Odeh: A New Type of Anti-Semite Has Been Discovered: “The Moderate One”

Ayman Odeh Yonatan Sindel Flash90

A New Type of Anti-Semite Has Been Discovered: “The Moderate One”

Antisemitism under the guise of moderation and pursuit of peace, with calls for “liberation” and “freedom” as code words for killing Jews – has become a vile trend that needs to be exposed.

By: Anat Vidor, WIZO President


Photo credit: Yonatan Sindel Flash90

“Mom, I just killed a Jewish woman and I’m talking from her phone, you can be proud!” a young Nukhba fighter ecstatically announced to his mother in Gaza on October 7th. “Bless you,” replied his mother excitedly.

Antisemitism is a deep, unfathomable sea containing various strange fish. One of the most peculiar and slippery among them is “the moderate one,” disguised in polished words, innocent eyes, and supposedly clean hands. Occasionally it emerges from between the rocks to deliver its sweetened dose of poison. This is what Israeli Member of Knesset Ayman Odeh did this week when he tweeted: “Happy about the release of the hostages and prisoners.” For him, the single category of those being freed doesn’t distinguish between bloodthirsty murderous beasts and their victims.

In a week when Iran won the “International Gandhi Peace Prize” for its restrained policy and contribution to calm the Middle East – apparently anything is possible. “We were all born free,” Odeh added to his moderate tweet. Even the study published this week, revealing that 80% of released terrorists return to terrorism, isn’t enough to impress Odeh, who is as happy about the release of thousands of ticking time bombs as he is about the release of kidnapped grandmothers from Be’eri. After all, everyone was born free.

The storm didn’t take long to come, but the Member of Knesset, who built his public image around moderation and coexistence, put on his innocent baby face and explained: “I am an Israeli citizen who sees and feels the suffering of my people living under occupation.” Supporting his position, as expected, was Haaretz journalist Carolina Landsman, who with wide eyes full of wonder, asked in her article headline: “Why are Israelis angry at Odeh?” “Because of moderation!” she answered immediately, and in her article explained that his words were nothing but a “trivial tweet from an Israeli Arab.” Yes! Moderation – that’s the problem! We’re simply an extreme people who won’t accept Arab moderation. The Arabs want peace, while the Jews refuse the extended hand and choose war.

This is the world turned completely on its head! The hypocrisy of giving Iran a peace prize is no less than the hypocrisy of blaming Israel for the suffering, occupation, and consequently – Arab violence. After all, Gaza before October 7th was an independent and autonomous place without Israeli presence, and the suffering there, then and now – has one responsible party – the Palestinian people themselves. For the Palestinian people, “occupation” is a term for Jewish existence in the Middle East, as Odeh’s party colleague explained: “Hamas terrorists didn’t break into foreign land but into their own territory,” where, essentially, the “occupation” exists, whose solution is – killing all Jews.

Odeh is just a symbol of many terror supporters like him in the world, who changed their terminology, replacing their thirst for Israel’s elimination with a yearning for quiet that would allow rebuilding Satan’s collapsed infrastructure. When Jewish blood was spilled – they wrapped themselves in silence, but when Jews have the upper hand – “love of reconciliation” bursts from their throats, with words like “freedom,” “liberation,” “ceasefire,” and “humanitarian.” But this doesn’t change the fact that they are terror accomplices, even if under a fake mask of restraint and moderation.

The legal term “Nazis and their collaborators” has evolved with the times to “Nukhba and their collaborators.” The Nukhba are the lowly and dirty ones, while “their collaborators” are quiet, cultured, pleasant-looking, “understanding both sides” and “seeing everyone’s suffering.” Such exactly is the moderate Member of Knesset Ayman Odeh, who in his hypocritical moderation dares to compare a not even one-year-old kidnapped from home to a terrorist whose purpose in life is killing Jews.

For this Odeh, moderation is his trademark, flag, logo, and business card. Under the protection of the Jewish state and at its expense, he supports everything bad for Jews, and tweets messages of support and encouragement to the world’s most despicable murderers. Sometimes it seems he would be a worthy candidate for the International Gandhi Peace Prize.

“Ayman, I killed a Jewish woman, and I just got out of Israeli prison,” that young Nukhba fighter will one day announce to MK Odeh. “I’m happy, we were all born free,” “their collaborator” will reply in his moderate voice.


Ayman Odeh Yonatan Sindel Flash90

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