Albanese: Shocked by Anti-Semitism While Generating It

PM Albanese Bianca De Marchi AAP Image via AP

Albanese: Shocked by Anti-Semitism While Generating It

The statement “zero tolerance for anti-Semitism” by Australia’s Prime Minister
does not change the fact that he himself generates anti-Semitism through
his wild pro-Islamist policies.

By: Anat Vidor, WIZO President


Photo credit: Bianca De Marchi – AAP Image via AP

When Syria is burning, and one mass murderer is replaced by an even worse one, who has time to deal with a synagogue in Melbourne that was set on fire with its worshippers inside by masked individuals? Even the local Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, who was forced to make a sleepy visit to the site, hurried afterward to put on his tennis shoes and rush to the tennis club for a game that, to be fair, was scheduled in advance. Those who expected Albanese to take responsibility for what’s happening in his country or provide practical answers to concerns were disappointed to discover that Albanese, or whoever chooses his clichés, decided to go with a high-school level message as if in a debate on “Anti-Semitism – For or Against,” saying: “This is shocking. We have zero tolerance for anti-Semitism.” After this anemic response drew protests from both the Israeli government and the local Jewish community, the Australian government responded with another statement saying the country funds “protection for Jews.” As if they were pandas.

Only those familiar with the details can understand how anti-Semitic this response is, signaling that something very bad hovers over the Jewish community in Australia, which numbers 116,000 people. For we have already learned: where books are burned and leaders go to play tennis – people will also be burned.

Albanese is a veteran anti-Semite, who can be found in local television archives from the past participating in anti-Semitic demonstrations (or in their disingenuous name – “pro-Palestinian”), shouting slogans into a megaphone while Israeli and American flags burn around him. It’s no wonder that in the past year, under his leadership, anti-Semitism is raging throughout Australia without any firm response from the government.

In fact, the Australian government is leading and generating anti-Semitism in the country. Its foreign policy is similar to countries like Ireland, Turkey, and Spain, taking extreme positions against Israel. For example, recently it supported the UN resolution for “ending Israel’s illegal presence in occupied Palestinian territory.” Because the anti-Semite is only interested in international law when it comes to Jews. From his perspective, our people – who were illegally exiled from their land, illegally expelled from country to country, illegally murdered and persecuted, and are still attacked time after time illegally – should sit politely and legally, quietly waiting for their destruction. And not only that, but also hear moral lectures from the country that symbolizes white colonialism more than any other.

Let’s talk for a moment about “illegal occupation.” But about one that began when Europeans found a nice continent with koalas and kangaroos and decided to conquer it to plunder its resources, while trampling its legal owners, the Aboriginal people, who until then lived there peacefully. The white conqueror invaded, murdered, enslaved, and didn’t even grant equal rights to the original inhabitants until 1967. That’s also the year when Israel was attacked by its neighbors who tried to destroy it, and was forced to subdue them in an “occupation.”

Today, the white Australian conqueror enjoys “asking forgiveness” from the Aborigines he robbed, but he does this only through gestures that cleanse the conscience and perpetuate the injustice, and not, for example, by returning the stolen continent to its legal owners and withdrawing to England, Holland, or in Albanese’s case – to Italy, in accordance with international law. You see, he manages to accept his own occupation, and also Russia’s occupation of Crimea, and America’s at the expense of the Native Americans. There’s only one occupation he can’t stomach: that of the Jews in their historical homeland.

And then he says “zero tolerance for anti-Semitism” – a statement that doesn’t change the superficiality of his practical fight against the phenomenon, nor the fact that Albanese himself generates it through his wild pro-Islamist policies.

From his perspective, Jews are like Aborigines, who need protection and occasional passing requests for forgiveness, but nothing more than that. His anti-Semitic face is wrapped in smiling masks according to the spirit of the times, but his “fight against anti-Semitism” doesn’t extend to fighting his own anti-Semitism, and what luck that he didn’t add that some of his best friends are Jews.

And we’ll end with a smile: When Albanese was asked if he thought it appropriate to play tennis on a morning when the Jewish community was in fear, the deceiver became indignant: “That’s not true!” After all, how could anyone even think of accusing him of such a malicious blood libel – “playing tennis in the morning,” when in fact, the tennis game only began in the afternoon?


PM Albanese Bianca De Marchi AAP Image via AP

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