The High Holidays have passed, but the war has not

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Whatever the final outcomes of the war may be, it seems that the people of Israel have successfully passed the difficult test they faced.

The High Holidays are behind us, and yet, the November edition of the World WIZO newsletter finds us at the beginning of a busy month full of events in WIZO federations worldwide.

In the middle of the month, together with additional representatives from the World WIZO leadership, we will participate in the annual conference of WIZO federations in Europe (ECWF). The conference, which will be held in Helsinki is taking place alongside the celebration of 100 years of continuous activity of WIZO Finland. The Jewish community in Finland, which has never exceeded 2,000 people, marks this wonderful achievement and a very impressive rate of involvement of the community’s women in WIZO activities.

In Israel, civilian life has returned to its routine, somewhat, but the war still rages in the south and north. Names of fallen soldiers continue to be published daily, 101 hostages – alive and dead – are still held in Gaza, and it seems the end of the military campaign is not yet on the horizon. But something in the spirit has changed: it seems that today Israel is the initiator and is setting the pace, strongly and decisively shaping the new face of the region, and the enemy’s firepower, as well as their fighting spirit, has weakened significantly compared to the capabilities previously attributed to them.

Whatever the final outcomes of the war may be, it seems that the people of Israel have successfully passed the difficult test they faced. This is largely thanks to the full mobilization in Israel and abroad, of a small and special people, with their loyal partners, who rose from the crisis with determination to secure a safer future for themselves. The mission is not yet complete and the work is not yet finished, but even now, it is appropriate to send a huge thank you to each of you, for your decision to be active and involved, and for choosing WIZO as your tool for fulfilling your Zionist values.

Hoping for better days and good news,


Anat Vidor, Word WIZO President and Anita Friedman, World WIZO Chairperson

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