Reviving the WIZO Review

The newsletter is aptly called WIZO Review, reviving in digital form the longtime publication that began in 1938 to detail WIZO’s important work.
This past year has reminded us how important it is for us to come closer together, to strengthen our connection, and tighten our bond to create a wall of unity. With this goal in mind, our External Relations division is launching this newsletter – a monthly communication channel of updates and information, another opportunity to showcase what’s happening in WIZO in Israel and around the world. The newsletter is aptly called WIZO Review, reviving in digital form the longtime publication that began in 1938 to detail WIZO’s important work. We hope you will find it exciting and gratifying, and feel pride in your partnership in our thriving Zionist and humanitarian enterprise.
However, written communication does not replace personal contact, and it is only a supplement to the truly crucial direct interactions between us. We take immense pleasure and joy in hosting delegations from the federations here in Israel, and vice versa – we go out to visit you, and these days we’re both getting ready for a full slate of upcoming visits around the world. Wherever it may be, we look forward to these meetings with you and know they are irreplaceable.

As you all know, we are going through a challenging period, and in the face of various threats, we too have an answer: our work. The uncompromising investment in Israel and its citizens, and educating our youth – our future generation. This Zionist endeavor comes from a deep belief in the future of the State of Israel as a Jewish state: a state that will remain long after all its enemies disappear, and from full faith in Israeli society, which only grows stronger and improves in the face of all the dangers surrounding it.
This investment has a lasting impact. WIZO’s vast array of programs that provide services for tens of thousands of families each year contribute to shaping the face of Israeli society today: a diverse, values-driven, volunteering, contributing and resilient society, with a great sense of mutual responsibility, and the responsibility of preserving what we have achieved with tears and blood. This is a society that no enemy can defeat or break its spirit, a society that proudly raises our blue and white flag, and reaches impressive achievements in all fields. This society is the fruit of our joint efforts, and for that, we thank you all on behalf of WIZO and the State of Israel.
From the hot, humid city of Tel Aviv in August, we wish you all a pleasant read, with lots of optimism and faith in what’s good.
Anat Vidor, World WIZO President & Anita Friedman, World WIZO Chairperson