Maya Arush

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My name is Maya Arush, I am studying Economics at the University of California – Santa Barbara, and I had the pleasure of being this summer’s World WIZO Marketing Intern. My experience at WIZO was incredible. I had the privilege of working with the kindest and most welcoming group of individuals, while gaining many useful skills along the way. 

Coming to Israel during a time of war presented its own challenges. While making this decision, I did not dwell on the risks, and simply trusted that things would work out – and thankfully, they did. Regardless of this fact, I still had moments of fear and uncertainty, but it was the incredible people at WIZO that gave me a sense of comfort and reminded me of the reason I was here in the first place – to help make a change.

Working at World WIZO, I immediately felt part of a close-knit family. Everybody I worked alongside in my fantastic team ensured that every day was exciting and engaging, and truly made my two months here so meaningful. I am also very grateful to the inspiring people at the Bruce and Ruth Rappaport Daycare Center in Sderot and the Gan Vanof Youth Village in Petah Tikva for offering me a glimpse of their amazing work across Israel.

I will forever be grateful for the experience that World WIZO gave me this summer – it was truly one of a kind. I am returning home with so many new skills and adventures than before and it is all thanks to the extraordinary WIZO Women (and men) that I worked with. 

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