
WIZO is the foremost social organization in Israel dedicated to education and the advancement of women.

WIZO, working hand-in-hand with the Israeli government, is an activist movement driving transformative social initiatives to strengthen the resilience of Israeli society. This is made possible by a dedicated team of 6,000 employees and 2,000 volunteers across the country in hundreds of programs, along with the support of tens of thousands of volunteers in WIZO federations worldwide.

For over a century, WIZO has significantly impacted the lives of countless Israelis through all stages of life. This involvement begins with babies in our day care centers and extends to youth villages, schools, and boarding institutions; educating and rehabilitating Israel’s most vulnerable youth providing safe havens for women who are victims of domestic violence establishing programs for girls and women at pivotal life junctures, in our WIZO centers in the community; managing Israel’s largest secondhand clothing chain; operating a Parents Home for the elderly; and much more.



Founded by women, led by women. Over 120,000 activists worldwide, along with tens of thousands of volunteers in Israel.



WIZO has independent branches, or Federations, in 38 countries worldwide, who support WIZO's work in Israel.



At the very essence of our being is an unflinching love for Israel and a passionate dedication to strengthening Israeli society.

public services


One of the largest and most well established women's nonprofit organizations in the world.

Mission Statement

As a global, Zionist and activist women’s movement, we are committed to volunteerism and strive for excellence in education and for innovative social action to benefit all of Israeli society. We prioritize the evolving needs of individuals at every stage of life.

Our Vision & values

Leading transformative initiatives that promote social resilience and gender equality in Israel.

Humanity: We place individuals and their needs at the core of every project and program we undertake.

Excellence: We believe that true change requires excellence in all we do.

Partnership: We believe that fostering genuine partnerships can bring about transformative change.

Equality: We advocate for gender equality, and for equal opportunities in Israeli society for everyone.

Innovation: We adapt to the ever-evolving needs of Israeli society, by boldly and proactively creating innovative solutions.

wizo about

WIZO in the UN

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In 1959, WIZO was recognized by the United Nations as an NGO, and became the first Zionist organization to be granted consultative status with ECOSOC (Economic Social Commission of United Nations).

This ECOSOC status grants WIZO the right to lobby, deliver expertise, and participate in “side events” on subjects WIZO endorses: universal human rights, status of women, gender equality, sustainability, democratic education and more.

WIZO currently has representatives to the UN in Vienna, Geneva and New York and is active on the NGO committees on the Status of women, Sustainable Development and Aging.


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1920s: WIZO is established in the UK. Begins caring for the women and children in Eretz Yisrael.

The idea of reviving a Jewish national home after 2,000 years of exile seemed almost overwhelming. A group of very strong women, whose husbands were involved in Zionist activity, felt that women should have a distinct and equal role in the return to Zion. Some of these women were also
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1930s: Immigration and a Focus on Agricultural Training

The background for the second decade of WIZO’s history was marked by the 5th wave of aliya (immigration) from Eastern and Central Europe, the rise of Hitler in Germany and Jewish-Arab conflict in Eretz Israel. In the meantime, WIZO founders were busy founding social and educational institutions in then-Palestine.  (In
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1940s: Vocational Training to Bring Women into the Workforce

The State of Israel is born, and a new reality sets in: the need for skilled laborers. This highlighted the serious lack of vocational education for half the population: women. WIZO quickly mobilized to provide vocational education in response to the new reality, along with continuing its work in agricultural
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1950s: WIZO Absorbs Immigrants, Aids Youth and Promotes Women's Rights

The Law of Return was passed in 1950, guaranteeing every Jew around the world the right to return to the Jewish homeland. Between 1948 and 1952, 648,000 Jews came on aliya to Israel from Eastern Europe, mainly Holocaust survivors, and from North Africa, Yemen, and the Middle East, doubling the
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1960s: WIZO Joins UNICEF, Assists the War Effort

The Rebecca Sieff WIZO Center in Tel Aviv opens in the presence of the Sieff family (in the photo to the left). WIZO is recognized as an NGO (non-governmental agency) member of UNICEF. The decimated WIZO Federation in Germany is reestablished. WIZO runs workshops providing hundreds of women with income
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1970s: WIZO Opens a College, Assists in Another War Effort

WIZO marks 50 years of nation building. In 1975, the UN General Assembly passes a resolution declaring that Zionism equals racism, which was torn up by Israeli Ambassador to the UN Chaim Herzog, the future president of Israel. Israel and Zionism were under attack in international forums. In the meantime,
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1980s: WIZO USA is Founded, Foster Homes and Women's Shelters Open in Israel

The iconic Raya Jaglom, the longest serving world president, marks WIZO’s 60th (in the photo to the left). WIZO USA federations are established in New York and Miami, by the initiative of Jaglom. The first WIZO shelter for women who are victims of domestic abuse is opened, as well as
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1990s: European Federations are Reestablished, WIZO Leads Initiatives in Domestic Violence

After nearly 45 years of inactivity, several Eastern European federations such as Hungary and the Czech Republic, are reinstated. WIZO in Israel absorbs immigrants from Ethiopia in youth villages and day care centers; several pioneering WIZO institutions mark milestones, and World WIZO celebrated 75 years.    
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2000s: WIZO Leads the Way in Women's Rights, Child Care and Youth At Risk

As Israel celebrates its 60th anniversary, WIZO is awarded the Israel Prize, the country’s most prestigious honor, in recognition of all it has done to improve Israeli society. Over 1,000 women from all over the world come together for the WIZO conference.    
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2010s: Celebrations, Accolades, and a new WIZO Federation

WIZO enters the new century with a flurry of activity – new services such as an emergency hotline for women, new educational tracks, including a veterinary medicine track at the youth villages and groundbreaking new programs such as Makom Balev for young girls in extreme high-risk circumstances. The century also
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2020s: From a Global Pandemic to a Horrific War

Like the rest of the world, WIZO was deeply impacted by the Covid-19 epidemic that swept across the globe and took its devastating toll from 2020 to 2023. While protecting the safety of thousands of volunteers, employees and those who benefit from WIZO services and keeping the organization’s finances in
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