WIZO Milestones
2000 – 1,000 WIZO women from Israel and around the world come to participate in the 22nd World WIZO Conference in Tel Aviv, marking WIZO’s 80th anniversary, in an extraordinary display of solidarity with WIZO and Israel at the start of the 21st century. A highlight is the appearance of 13 graduates of WIZO schools.
The World WIZO website www.wizo.org is launched!
WIZO Israel opens the first School for Political Leadership for Women in Jerusalem, with the participation of 45 women, aged 24-52, left and right, religious and secular, Arab and Jew. Minister of Immigration Prof. Yuli Tamir gives the opening address.
WIZO Israel plays a major role in the fight against sex trafficking, led by lawyer Meira Segev, chair of the Department for the Status of Women.
As the second intifada explodes, WIZO’s Jewish-Arab day care center in Jaffa remains a calm oasis in the storm. WIZO youth clubs in the Jordan valley north of Jericho provide encouragement and psychological help during troubled times. The WIZO day care center in the Gilo neighborhood of Jerusalem, which is under fire, provides support for parents and their children.
Hadassah-WIZO Canada leaders, among them President Marion Mayman and Executive Vice President Lily Frank, participate in a 1,000 strong solidarity mission of American and Canadian Jews to Israel.
Two delegations from British WIZO, led by British WIZO Chairman Sarah Glyn, inaugurate the new Lily Sieff Community Center in Petach Tikva and the Gaby Botelho Center in Givatayim.
2001 – 21 youngsters are killed in a suicide attack at the Dolphinarium Disco in Tel Aviv, among them Marina Berkovski, a 17 year old who attended the WIZO youth club in Yad Eliyahu, Tel Aviv. During the ensuing period, more WIZO students, staff and service receivers are killed and injured.
Despite the difficult atmosphere, 41 women from around the world and 23 Israelis participated in the International WIZO Aviv and Lapid Seminars.
At the Durban Anti-Racist conference, Brenda Katten, chairperson of World WIZO’s Public Affairs and NGO department and WIZO South Africa chaverot, led by Tamar Lazarus, are at the forefront of the struggle against anti-Semitic and anti-Israel demonstrations.
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon visits the WIZO Women’s Shelter during Hanukkah, emphasizing the importance of the struggle against violence.

2002 – 9/11 and the second intifada do not prevent delegates from 26 countries from joining their Israeli colleagues at the annual Plenary, now the Annual General Meeting (AGM) the concept used for a not-for-profit Amuta (Association).
Security Campaign launched by Helena Glaser, to reinforce shelters, provide gates and guards at WIZO institutions.
Re-branding of WIZO by the World WIZO Publicity and Information Department promotes a fresh, up-to-date image for the 21st century.
Pamela Meron, the wife of the Israeli Ambassador, founds a WIZO group in Moscow.
Former President Bill Clinton says “I want to thank WIZO for 80 years of wonderful work for children, women, values and family” at a special gala honoring WIZO Florida’s 20th anniversary.
WIZO staff, teachers and students are killed in Haifa suicide bombings.
Ravid Ben-Ze’ev, 17, from WIZO Nir Ha’Emek School and Youth Village, elected first female chairperson of the National Student Youth Council.
The Girls’ Basketball Team at the Hadassah-WIZO Canada Hadassim Youth Village wins the Israeli national high school championship and plays in the World Championship in Brazil.
2003 – 17 former Soviet Union orphans find a home at WIZO Hadassim.
With difficult economic times, and every 4th child living under the poverty line, WIZO launches a “Poverty is not only Food” campaign, initiated by Vice President and Chairperson Helena Glaser.
A suicide bomber hits at the doorstep of WIZO Haifa, killing 17 year old Smadar Firstater, a student at the WIZO Art and Design High School.
A record number of leaders from around the world come to WIZO’s Annual General Meeting to demonstrate solidarity with Israel and WIZO.
Thousands of chaverot from all over Israel attend an extraordinary demonstration of Women Power at a park near Tel Aviv, organized by WIZO Israel Chairperson Yochy Feller.
The Neri Bloomfield WIZO College of Design, sponsored by Hadassah-WIZO Canada, moves to new picturesque location in German Colony quarter, with aid of generous donation from Neri Bloomfield.
Family Club for single parents in Jaffa is a site of Jewish-Arab cooperation.
“I want to thank WIZO for 80 years of wonderful work for children, women, values and family” – Bill Clinton, former US President

2004 – 800 delegates from WIZO Federations around the world attend the 23rd World WIZO Conference, now called the Enlarged General Meeting (EGM).
Helena Glaser is elected the 4th President of World WIZO.
Graduates of WIZO School for Political Leadership begin to succeed in municipal politics – Ayelet Cohen in Petach Tikva and Meital Lahavi in Tel Aviv.
Outgoing World WIZO President Michal Modai becomes Distinguished Citizen of Tel Aviv, joining veteran WIZO activist Yedida Lahav (2003) and Raya Jaglom.
Former WIZO Hadassim student actress Gila Almagor and music teacher Gil Aldema win the prestigious Israel Prize.
World WIZO begins a campaign to fight the New Anti-Semitism, initiated by Helena Glaser.
WIZO Holland plays central role in Hague protests outside International Court of Justice supporting Israel’s right to build a security fence, joining WIZO France and other Federations in activity against the New Anti-Semitism.
WIZO Israel visits Poland, “a journey in the footsteps of a Federation that disappeared.”
British WIZO is now called WIZO.uk, a new brand for the 21st century.
A beautiful new campus is launched at the WIZO Nahalal School and Youth Village, sponsored by Canada Hadassah WIZO.
WIZO Israel holds its first General Assembly in Haifa, with hundreds of delegates from WIZO chapters around the country.
2005 – Chairperson Tova Ben-Dov leads a new working agreement between the Histadrut, WIZO and the worker’s committee.
As 652,000 children fall below the poverty line, WIZO’s Anti-Poverty Fund serves as a lifesaver for thousands of Israeli families.
World WIZO launches its first International Membership Campaign, under the slogan “We’ve been expecting you,” initiated by Helena Glaser.
Tova Ben Dov launches an EduCaution Campaign to help Israel’s many children at risk.
With the change of leadership among the Palestinians and the disengagement plan, many WIZO tourist groups come to visit Israel, including a large delegation to the 17th Maccabiah annual Jewish sports Olympics.
The WIZO Baby Home, now the Rebecca Sieff Center for the Family, sponsored by WIZO.uk, celebrates its jubilee, with many graduates and a large delegation from WIZO.uk led by Michele Vogel and Ruth Sotnick.
WIZO Israel launches first national emergency hotline for women who suffer from violence in the family and children at risk.
2006 – Annual General Meeting dedicated to WIZO’s 85th Anniversary, with celebrations at the President’s Residence and the Knesset.
Graduates of the Neri Bloomfield WIZO Academy of Design and Education in Haifa will be authorized to receive BA degrees in their fields of study.
WIZO organizes pioneering training program for 23 Bedouin women from the Negev town of Rahat to run educational frameworks in their homes for preschoolers at a WIZO day care center in Beersheva.
WIZO builds a protected day care center against Kassam missiles in Sderot.
25 chaverot from WIZO Israel participate in a special seminar in Poland – “In the Footsteps of a Lost Federation.”
Tova Ben-Dov, Chairperson of the World WIZO Executive, initiates an emergency campaign, with the outbreak of the second Lebanon War in July and August, to help evacuees from the North.
WIZO opened its schools and youth villages throughout the country to receive thousands of Jewish and Arab residents seeking refuge from the Katyusha rockets.
A special WIZO emergency team led by Tova Ben-Dov functioned throughout the war to help meet the challenges, and WIZO volunteers provided both necessities and warmth to the relocated families.
Over 900 chaverot from WIZO Israel celebrated WIZO’s 85th anniversary in Jaffa in a wonderful pageant of word, song and dance.
2007 – The pupils at WIZO Hadassim organized a special project to aid the children of Darfur.
Noted Israeli artist Menashe Kadishman designs a special Haggadah for WIZO Israel to support women and children.
As Israel marked the 40th anniversary of the Six Day War, and the taking down of the walls between West and East Jerusalem, many of WIZO’s activities were devoted to WIZO’s role in the capital city, past and present.
“WIZO is one of the most important social organizations, not only in Jerusalem, but throughout Israel.” – Uri Lupolianski, former Jerusalem mayor
In a special interview to WIZO Review, Jerusalem mayor Uri Lupolianski says that “WIZO is one of the most important social organizations, not only in Jerusalem, but throughout Israel.”
The 23rd WIZO Israel Conference in Kfar Hamaccabiah in Ramat Gan is organized around the theme of “Women for the Benefit of Everyone.”
2008 – At the initiative of Helena Glaser, a new WIZO Federation is opened in India.
Over 1,000 delegates from Israel and around the Jewish world participate in the 24th World WIZO Enlarged General Meeting (EGM) coinciding with WIZO’s 88th anniversary and Israel’s 60th, the largest conference ever.
The theme is “Investing in People for Israel’s Future.” President Shimon Peres addresses the audience, and poses for a photo with WIZO Nachlat Yehuda’s dance troupe.
Following the ongoing firing of Katyusha rockets at the Negev development town of Sderot, a Saving Sderot campaign is launched at the World WIZO EGM.
WIZO is awarded the Israel Prize, the country’s most prestigious award, granted annually on Independence Day at a special ceremony in Jerusalem. The award was granted for WIZO’s efforts “to promote gender equality and its struggle to promote humanitarian social, cultural and educational issues, while focusing on the central position of women in society and the need for equality between the sexes within Israeli society.”
2009 – Dedication of WIZO Nir Ha’Emek’s first Mishpachton, a foster home for children at risk.
World WIZO launches its Facebook page.
Australia-sponsored Ahuzat Yeladim, a residential boarding school for disadvantaged youth who suffer from behavioral, emotional, and psychiatric problems, celebrates 70 years since its founding.
The Lego Company of Denmark donates 1000 Lego kits to the Bruce and Ruth Rappaport Day Care Center in Sderot to help Israeli children cope with the trauma and fears caused by rocket fire.