WIZO Hasbara
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Straight Facts
Many of you are on summer vacations and we wish you a safe, happy and well-deserved rest. World WIZO is gearing up to welcome so many of you to Israel for the Enlarged General Meeting (EGM) that will take place between the 21-25 January 2024. Nobody does it better than WIZO!
In this edition of Straight Facts, we meet a captivating seal, hear from Anne Frank’s best friend and Native American leaders, examine why there is not a strong enough response when Israel is under attack and more.
Rolene Marks,
World WIZO Executive: Head of Public Diplomacy & Hasbara
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WATCH: Native Americans Express their Support for Israel
This is a much watch interview! Native American leaders speak movingly of their love for Israel and the Jewish people and their hopes to open an embassy in Jerusalem:
Anne Frank’s Best Friend tells her story of survival
The story of Anne Frank has helped educate generations about the Holocaust. In this article, we hear from Anne’s best friend – and how she survived the horrors of the genocide of Europe’s Jews:
Israel’s World Cup Cinderella Story
Israel’s U20 soccer/football team performed magnificently at the recent Mondialito in Argentina. Avi Mayer writes about the incredible story behind their performance:
The Pusillanimous Response to Israel under Fire
Why is the response from western countries so weak when Israel is under attack? Col. Richard Kemp, former commander of British Forces in Afghanistan opines here:
The Seal that Captured the Heart of a Country
For several weeks, Israeli’s were enamoured of a beautiful, blonde visitor from abroad. Read more about the lovely Yulia – and how she melted the nation’s heart:
Who are Jewish Voice for Peace?
Jewish Voice for Peace are among the most vocal anti-Israel organisations. Who are they – and are they even Jewish? HonestReporting has this expose:
The White House Plan to Combat Antisemitism
The White House recently unveiled their plan to combat rising antisemitism. The plan has been well received – albeit with some criticisms.

#Rolene Marks
Straight Facts
Rolene Marks is a passionate advocate for Israel and appears on radio, television and in print. She is a member of the Media Team Israel, an advocacy body that fights media bias as well as Truth be Told. She is the Chairperson of WIZO’s Hasbara Division.

Straight Facts
In this edition of Straight Facts we continue to bear witness by hearing from ZAKA, United Hatzalah first responders, find out about Kinocide and more.

Straight Facts
In this edition of Straight Facts, we take an in-depth look at the manipulation of Gaza casualty figures, hear some extraordinary stories from survivors and rescuers on 7/10, go inside the Mossad’s pager mission and more.

Straight Facts
Some of the most prolific writers and thinkers such as Douglas Murray, Dr. Jordan Peterson, Dara Horn and others explore a variety of topics in this edition of Straight Facts.