WIZO Ahuzat Yeladim Boarding School and Residential Home
Ahuzat Yeladim, a therapeutic and post-hospitalization residential treatment facility in Haifa, is currently home to approximately 80 youth who suffer from behavioral, emotional, and psychiatric problems. The school caters to youth ages 8 to 18 from all across Israel. Children who live at this facility have special educational and emotional needs. These youth have failed at previous schools and treatment at Ahuzat Yeladim is often their last opportunity to succeed.
The specialized boarding school works according to procedures outlined by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, the Ministry of Social Welfare, and the Ministry of Education.
WIZO Ha’ahuza Haktana dormitory for 15 children, ages 8 to 12, operates on the grounds of Ahuzat Yeladim. This unique boarding school is a therapeutic dormitory for elementary aged children with behavioral and emotional problems. Children study in special education schools in the area, where they receive both one-on-one and group counseling. Upon graduation, if needed, they continue their therapies and education at Ahuzat Yeladim.

Throughout Israel, Ahuzat Yeladim is highly respected for its work with youth with the most difficult life circumstances. The center offers a wide range of specialized treatment and educational sessions, which are provided by a team of top educators, social workers, psychologists, and therapists. The center is one of the few that provides residential treatment for post-hospitalized youth.
The school also has a renowned culinary tract where students learn the art and science of baking. The products are sold to the surrounding community and students who are part of the entrepreneurship program also learn business skills alongside baking stills.
Youth arrive at the center any time throughout the year, depending on availability. All students reside in one of the three dormitories on campus, while attending specially tailored educational programming.
Despite their unique challenges, students are reaching outstanding achievements. They participate in activities such as the prestigious International Youth Award and heritage trips to Poland, providing the students with a sense of social integration and a sense of self and of belonging.
Every student receives essential services to heal and rebuild their lives. Ongoing therapy helps youth to cope with and overcome psychiatric and psychological deficiencies. Counselling varies depending on the type of issue being addressed and the mental health of the child. Both traditional and nontraditional therapies are provided in private settings.
To visit Ahuzat Yeladim’s Hebrew site, go to: ayhaifa.com