WIZO federations

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WIZO Argentina

President Eugenia Kiperman
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  • Goes by the name OSFA (Organizacion Sionista Femenina Argentina)
  • Established in Buenos Aires in 1926
  • Published first Spanish-language WIZO Review (Revista OSFA)
  • On-going sponsor of Afula Agricultural School (now WIZO Nir Ha’Emek Youth Village)
  • Fundraising and cultural activities have included performances by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, the Urban Rosh Hashana Limmud fair, the Night of Talents and annual concerts featuring Infanto Juvenil Retiro orchestra which involves children and youth from impoverished communities 
  • Operates a solidarity Bigudit (secondhand clothing store)
  • Board today consists of 17 members
  • There are branches in Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Moises Ville, Paraná, Rosario and San Juan

Chairperson: Sandra Wainrib

Presidents photos for website (44)
Eugenia Kiperman President

I am a teacher by profession, though I am not currently practicing. Many years ago, I became actively involved with OSFA-WIZO through a regional branch, where I dedicated myself with passion and determination, always driven by WIZO’s mission. Today, I proudly continue this meaningful work as part of this remarkable institution.

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