- The first WIZO group was established in La Paz in 1940 with around 20 chaverot (members)
- In November 1942, the first WIZO Delegate, Miss Smiley, arrived in La Paz and organized different WIZO groups throughout the country, which met in the WIZO Federation of Bolivia. Since then it has been customary that the La Paz Center is in charge of managing the WIZO Federation, whose work was shared for several years with the chaverot of the previous “Aviv – Hanna Szenesz” Center.
- The first president of the Federation was Jannette Schaerf, who remained in this position for more than 10 years, as she was re-elected in different general assemblies. She had a group of enthusiastic and effective collaborators.
Chairperson: Patricia Wiener Berkowitz

As the president of WIZO Bolivia, my commitment is rooted in a profound passion for strengthening and empowering our union of chaverot across the nation. I am dedicated to working closely with our community to foster alliances and implement projects that support the various programs of WIZO in Israel. Additionally, I am determined to collaborate with institutions addressing gender inequality, education disparities, and instances of physical or mental violence against women. Our focus extends beyond borders as we aim to contribute to the sustainable development of our communities, not just locally but on a global scale. WIZO Bolivia that is recognized for its impact, regardless of our size, in making a significant difference in the lives of women and children within our society. My aspiration is to elevate our actions and projects to create an environment where women feel not only supported but also empowered to realize their full potential. We are driven by the belief that a society thrives when women are provided with the resources and opportunities they need. Our vision is to work hand in hand with the community. I am dedicated to leading WIZO Bolivia with unwavering passion and commitment, with a vision that goes beyond the confines of our institution to actively contribute to a world where every woman and child can live free from inequality, violence, and limitations, ensuring a brighter and more equitable future for all.