- Founded in 1923
- Revived in 1948 after WWII
- Has active members today in: Amsterdam, Friesland, Gelderland, Brabant and Rotterdam
- Events include home meetings, cultural events, 7 book reading clubs with an annual literary prize, Rosh Hashana flower project in 11 parts of the country
- Gift shop in Amsterdam and a webshop to promote Jewish consciousness
- Includes books for Jewish homes and traditions, cookbooks, literature,
- Shikun Jessie Cohen
- Channah en Michael Levin WIZO Center
- Building a Community Garden and Zoological Centre at WIZO Nachlat Yehuda Youth Village, Rishon LeZion
- Mine Only Mine violence prevention school program
- Leadership program – Manhigut Tzeira
- Parents Home, Tel Aviv
Chairperson: Judith Cohn

Michaja Wiener President